
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Falling for lips.. Springing for colour

It doesn't matter what side of the world you are on and whether you are falling into spring or, well, fall, lips are hot hot hot.  It seems every season lips are in.  Dark, light.  Glossy, matte.  Strong or soft.  But the reality of it is, no matter how you wear your lips, just be sure that you do wear them.

Everyone, everywhere is screaming red this year!  Red or dead they make it sound.  But, if red doesn't tickle your fancy, try pink, mauve, flesh tones, hell, try tangerine if you want to!  They key to statement lips is not colour per se.  It is application, confidence and face that whispers look at me, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

So, next time you leave the house, forget the chapstick and bring that lipstick you have been dying to wear but just haven't been able to bring yourself to venture out in!  If there is any time to 'get away with' a bold statement, it is now!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

get into the groooooove...

So here we have.  I have entered, once again, in to blog world and hope to create something that stretches far past the gazes of my friends and family.  Travel blogs and all those other goodies I have been keeping online to entertain and inform are still there, still updated, but for a different purpose!  This blog, my good friends, is about beauty, fashion, cheap and chic and pricey but perfect.  Or at least damn close to.  Currently, I am residing in Australia so my focus will be on Australian products as well as international products that you can get your sticky little fingers on in this fine country.  I am currently studying makeup, primarily for theatre and special effects, but I play around in beauty makeup and that is where my love goes to and my reviews and recommendations will come from.  I have finally (unfortunately?) hit that age where skin care and maintenance has become more of a concern and simply washing my makeup of at the end of the day no longer cuts it.  And so, the wander into skin care, for both the face and body, begins.  Beauty is at my fingertips, and yours.